I once knew this girl, and she was the most naiive girl I'd ever met. Now I'm not one to face reality with the most grace, but this girl was all falling pieces of false hope. Clumsy as a drunken school girl, tripping over the truth like it wasn't there. She always had someone to keep her on balance, to kick the truth under the rug and say, darling it's alright you look beautiful tonight. I'd try to leave bits of the truth on her phone some nights, but let's face it I'm far too scared to start fights. The girl continued to ignore all signs, smile and laugh like everything was fine. Living in a world where the bad guys were the good guys, where up was down and down was up, a drunken kiss was love. I can't tell someone their whole worlds a lie, how do you word that and sound polite?
The bad guys are really bad guys, they will never change, not for you and not for me. The things you heard weren't lies, the times you weren't there I heard it all, the ice is as slippery as it looks.. they have no friends but themselves for a good reason.
I feel terrible, I let you be the rug I swept all the lies beneath and watched them walk all over it. I'd go back now.. I'd never let you walk into a house of mirriors alone. I'd hold your hand and walk with you and tell you it's alright, you look beautiful tonight.
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