Last Thursday marked the start of "Spring Break Yo'Self 09". For a recap on why some events in '09 seem to feel like deja vu I w
ill refresh your memories quick.. Last year, the whole month of Feb up until Spring Break 08, myself and Michael hated each other. Like couldn't stand the sight, "perma-banned" from his house. I moved on, I dated or had whatever with Andrew from the higher for a hot minute, (just like I had whatever with Jordan this year, weird right?) and then at their show at the varsity (first day of spring break) Mike was there. He was black out drunk and invited Andrew and I over to his house. After Andrew left for tour Mike and I got back together.. urr whatever (it gets really complicated that we have no title) and we spent the entire Spring Break 08 together. I only went home to shower and grab clothes. We also spent everyday drunk with Jack doing fucking sweet things everyday. Long story short, it resulted in getting us back into our thing and a lot of fun. It needed to be repeated. I make my own time machines.

SO.. Thursday- It was my wond
erful close friend Ryan Waggoner's 20th birthday. I went to his apartment, where I hope to reside next year! We had tequila and orange juice and talked about things. Then Kathryn met up with us and we went over to Mike and Jack's and a lot of people were over. I drank a good portion of cheap wine, some of Mike's snowboard friends got in a fight with Poitras which resulted in them leaving and a very upset Mike. He was extremely pissed, so we talked and everything seemed fine until he drunkenly decided that since he was in a bad mood I had to be too. He starts trying to make me feel like shit, it works, I get upset, we fight, blah blah, we yell, we talk, we make up, we sleep.

Friday- Woke up bright and early, drove home and cleaned my house. Went to pick up applications and talk to managers at a couple places by my house. Had a partial interview at psycho Suzy's. Relaxed. Kathryn came over, we ran and got booze at 9:57 and made it! Went to pick up Jack in St Paul, then to Carly and Elsa's City of Sound after party. It was so packed and I got to see a lot of faces I missed. I drank more gin than expected, went back to Jack and Mike's and slept there.

The party had multiplied by three when I got back and I was drunk. The night gets blurry around here, I think I hung out with Mike's high school friends for like two hours? I don't know where I was. Around 4am I started to realize that I didn't know anyone that was there and got concerned. We tried to start kicking people out and they just wouldn't leave. By 5am, the people left were super weird. Still wouldn't leave. Mike, I and Matt Brown had to sleep in the living room and the fucks would still not leave. Finally as I am trying to sleep this kid starts shit with me, I snap and scream at him and Matt starts yelling too at everyone else to get the fuck out.. this starts a fight between two of the random dudes for some reason. Random dude 1 hits random dude 2 in the face, they fight, chocolate cake on the coffee table falls, beer bottles go everywhere.. I push everyone out the front door. Mike goes and sleeps upstairs leaving me and Matt to deal with this. I try to clean up, It's 6am I'm tired, drunk and pissed off at this point. The random people stay on the porch talking still, Matt and I are scared to go to bed, so finally Matt went and yelled at them and they left, at 630am!! It was so frustrating, and poor little Matt had to work at 9am. 
Sunday- I slept til like 1 or so. Then I woke up and went to The Beat with Kathan, Kevin, and Mike. I got iced tea and ordered free Caffrey's thanks to bff. I learned how to play avatar then Mike and I walked back. We cleaned up the house a little bit, but it's still trashed. T
hen I tried to lay down and watched Scarface with Jack and fell asleep. When I woke up Jamie was over and her and Mike were making vegan soup in the crock pot. I watched them play avatar, ate more free Caffrey's then the boys went to the CC Club and I went home for a shower. I was wide awake after this so I went back to the house, ate soup and drank the rest of my gin and played avatar with Mike until 7am. yup, like over 3hrs straight up of just drinking and avatar, it ruled. When we realized it was 7am we also realized the sun was coming up and it's impossible to fall asleep when it's light out in his room.. so we locked ourselves in the vip bathroom and slept on the couch in there. It sounds weird but, it was really cute actually.
Monday- We slept until forever but when we woke up it was beautiful out. Mike went to work and Jack and I went to Calhoun Square, hit up the bank, the roof top of Stella's, Heartbreaker, then Mike called and said he got sent home from work. We went to The Independent for happy hour then to American Apparel and Lund's. Decided we were going to
have a grill out and went to the wedge.. around this time we started getting strange texts about a party at their house that night. None of us had any idea, turns out the power of Poitras' twitter is exceptional. Tried to cancel and failed. Sean and Madison came over and grilled dinner with Mike and I, then we left to ditch the party. Ended up going to his friends from Japanese class house where I watched them bake a vegan dish and then vegan chocolate cupcakes with coconut frosting. Amazing. After that we devised a plan that if there was still a party going on we'd sneak straight to the room with the jug of wine and play avatar in solitude for the rest of the night. Luckily we arrived at an empty house, but still played avatar until we were sleepy.
Tuesday- By today my body had just had it. I've been drunk or consumed alcohol every night since Thursday. I wanted nothing more than to take it easy, but I awoke to realize it was St Patrick's Day, I now felt obligated to get drunk. Then I couldn't even find anything worth doing, I have this problem a lot on Tuesday's thanks to The Triple Rock. I ended up just going over to Tiff's with Madison and drank some wine, then I went over to Ryan's and we watched Gossip Girl until he was tired. Then went home and I'm going to sleep in my own bed for the first time in almost a week, I'm not excited about it, I hate my bed and I hate sleeping alone.

Basically, so far everything is panning out the way it did last year this time. Mike and I don't hate each other anymore and I am happy, and I don't care about what we "are" or "aren't" to other people, I still have the most fucking cool friends in the world and I'm extremely grateful.. and stilllll every other boy that comes my way proves himself no match for mike eames. sorry boys. Also, huuuuuge surprise this Friday. Stay posted for Friday nights events =)

Sunday- I slept til like 1 or so. Then I woke up and went to The Beat with Kathan, Kevin, and Mike. I got iced tea and ordered free Caffrey's thanks to bff. I learned how to play avatar then Mike and I walked back. We cleaned up the house a little bit, but it's still trashed. T

Monday- We slept until forever but when we woke up it was beautiful out. Mike went to work and Jack and I went to Calhoun Square, hit up the bank, the roof top of Stella's, Heartbreaker, then Mike called and said he got sent home from work. We went to The Independent for happy hour then to American Apparel and Lund's. Decided we were going to

Tuesday- By today my body had just had it. I've been drunk or consumed alcohol every night since Thursday. I wanted nothing more than to take it easy, but I awoke to realize it was St Patrick's Day, I now felt obligated to get drunk. Then I couldn't even find anything worth doing, I have this problem a lot on Tuesday's thanks to The Triple Rock. I ended up just going over to Tiff's with Madison and drank some wine, then I went over to Ryan's and we watched Gossip Girl until he was tired. Then went home and I'm going to sleep in my own bed for the first time in almost a week, I'm not excited about it, I hate my bed and I hate sleeping alone.

Basically, so far everything is panning out the way it did last year this time. Mike and I don't hate each other anymore and I am happy, and I don't care about what we "are" or "aren't" to other people, I still have the most fucking cool friends in the world and I'm extremely grateful.. and stilllll every other boy that comes my way proves himself no match for mike eames. sorry boys. Also, huuuuuge surprise this Friday. Stay posted for Friday nights events =)
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